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W.j. Maxey Boys Training School, Michigan Inmate Search

W.j. Maxey Boys Training School, Michigan Inmate Search

The W.j. Maxey Boys Training School is located at 9036 E. M-36 in Livingston County, Michigan. It is a facility that houses juvenile male inmates. The school primarily serves inmates from Livingston County and surrounding areas. Currently, the facility has a maximum capacity of 80 inmates, but there are no inmates incarcerated at this time.





How Do I Find Out If Someone Is In W.j. Maxey Boys Training School, Michigan?

If you are looking for information about someone who may be incarcerated at the W.j. Maxey Boys Training School, you can search for jail records. For more information on the closure of the school, you can visit this link. If you have any specific questions or need assistance, you can contact the facility directly at (734) 449-4422.

In Livingston County Jail, it is possible to access inmates' records. These records typically include information such as the inmate's name, booking date, charges, and bond status. However, please note that certain information may be restricted due to privacy laws or ongoing investigations.

How many inmates are in W.j. Maxey Boys Training School

Currently, there are no inmates in the W.j. Maxey Boys Training School.

About the W.j. Maxey Boys Training School

The W.j. Maxey Boys Training School is a correctional facility located at 9036 E. M-36 in Livingston County, Michigan. It has a maximum capacity of 80 inmates. At present, there are no inmates in the facility, accounting for 0.00% of the overall inmate population in Livingston County. The average inmate population in Livingston County is 80. Therefore, the W.j. Maxey Boys Training School is currently not incarcerating any inmates and is operating at 0.00% of its maximum capacity.

Inmate Visitation in W.j. Maxey Boys Training School

To visit an inmate at the W.j. Maxey Boys Training School, visitors must meet certain requirements. These requirements may include being on the inmate's approved visitation list, providing valid identification, and following the facility's rules and regulations. If you are unsure about the inmate's visitation status or need assistance, you can perform a prisoner search or contact the facility directly. Visitors are required to adhere to specific rules, such as dress code guidelines and behavioral expectations, to ensure the safety and security of the facility. For more information on visitation rules and guidelines, you can refer to this link.

How to Send Money to An Inmate in W.j. Maxey Boys Training School, Michigan

To send money to an inmate at the W.j. Maxey Boys Training School, you have two options. First, you can send money online by following the instructions provided on the official website of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, which can be found at here. Alternatively, you can send money by mail to the following address:

W.j. Maxey Boys Training School 9036 E. M-36 Pinckney, MI 48189

Please ensure that you include the inmate's full name and identification number, if available, on the money order or cashier's check.

What is the official website of W.j. Maxey Boys Training School in Michigan?

The official website of the W.j. Maxey Boys Training School in Michigan is http://www.michigan.gov/dhs/0,4562,7-124-5453_34044_34049-109003--,00.html.

What is the phone number of W.j. Maxey Boys Training School in Michigan?

The phone number for the W.j. Maxey Boys Training School in Michigan is (734) 449-4422.





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